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“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

~2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving FAQ’s

Can I make a one-time or a recurring donation?
Yes. SecureGive does allow you to give either a one-time donation or setup recurring donations.

What if I want to change credit cards or adjust the date/amount of a contribution?
Yes. Both of these options are available in the SecureGive system.

Can I give with my mobile phone?
Yes. Simply click on the “give online now” button on the online giving page and SecureGive will redirect you to their mobile online giving portal.

Is Online Giving Secure?
Yes. We’ve taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure from beginning to end. All of your giving data is secured by a number of security measures including your web browser’s SSL encryption.

Can I change my email address and personal information?
Yes. Simply login to SecureGive and click on the “Profile” link at the top of the page.

Why can’t I give to a specific ministry?
All giving is unto the Lord. Please know that all of the offerings given to Barabbas Road go to supporting the mission and vision of the church.

Do you give to the Cooperative Program?
Yes. We love supporting the cooperative program. To view a breakdown of how the cooperative program uses their giving please Click Here.

How do I get a year-end statement?
We make year-end statements really easy for you. The finance committee at Barabbas Road Church collects all of your giving from church, online and at our kiosk and sends them via post on February 1st. Year-end statements will also be available for pick-up the last Sunday of January.