Worship at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego

At Barabbas Road Church in San Diego, worship is an important part of the church. The mission at Barabbas is to make disciples and a characteristic of a disciple of Christ is worshipping him. We learn that in the book of Romans that worship is an action taken in a certain state of mind. Paul says that our spiritual worship of God is presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1); therefore, an important aspect of worshipping God is serving him. This is why the people of Barabbas Road Church in San Diego are always encouraged to serve the church in some capacity, for serving the local church is a way we worship God.

Serving God is a method of worship, because when we do all things to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31) we’re worshipping him. Therefore, worshipping God can be doing the dishes, driving your car or playing basketball. Worship does not begin or end at Sunday’s church service. True worship begins with the heart and mind. This means that when the aim of the heart and mind is to love God and honor him, true worship begins. Being a good father or mother is worshipping God if it’s done to the glory of God. If we were to go to any country in the world and find the best fathers and mothers, what we should find is that the best fathers and mothers are Christians, because this how we worship God.

There is also another aspect of worship that’s important for a Christian to understand. The Bible teaches us that we are to also worship God by using our spiritual gifts. Peter says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). What Peter means by serving one another with our spiritual gifts is what Paul refers to in 1st Corinthians, which is to care for each other for the common good (1 Cor.12:7, 12-26). The common good is the body of Christ in which all Christians are a part of (1 Cor.12:27). Therefore, each Christian has been given a spiritual gift for the purpose of using each gift to build one another up in the body of Christ, which is his church.If you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you can rest assure that God has endowed you with a spiritualgift for the purpose of edifying and building up the church to the glory of God.

One challenge for a Christian is figuring out what their spiritual gift is. One of easiest things that you can do to start figuring out your spiritual gift is to start serving the local church in any capacity. We learn from the Westminster shorter confession that, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.” Therefore, if you are serving in an area in the church and you do not enjoy it then it’s a good possibility that whatever you are doing is not your spiritual gift. The good news is that whateverit is God has given you to do will give you joy. As you think about your spiritual gifts and what God may have gifted you with, ask yourself what brings you great joy to do within the church. Whatever it is, do it with your whole heart and to the glory of God and it will build up and edify the church.