Sermon Videos at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego

1453290_586487411426911_927264200_nIt may not seem it at first, but sermon videos at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego is an important distinctive of the church. Sermon videos are the videos that are shown during the preaching at Barabbas Road Church. What you should know is that using a video during a sermon is a very powerful medium. With the sight and the sounds of the video it can immediately illustrate things for you in a beautiful way. We can find examples of God using objects as illustrations to make points all through the Bible. If you look at the Old Testament prophets you will see many times that the prophets used objects to illustrate a point that God wanted to make. There are examples of a prophet lying on his side for a very long time and a prophet burying something in the ground. These were all done to make a point. In one extreme case,God had Hosea marry a prostitute to illustrate to the people the infidelity of Israel. In these very clear examples, we can learn much about God’s communication strategies.

Barabbas Road Church in San Diego values to the utmost that the word of God is itself sufficient and superior to do God’s work. During a Sunday sermon at Barabbas Road Church you will hear the preacher tell stories and use different illustrations to drive home a point. This is done to make the scriptures come alive for you, so you can better understand the points that are being made. Illustrations and stories will never be the foundation of the message because the Word of God is the foundation and it is sufficient to do God’s work. The illustrations will help you better understand the biblical truths that the preacher is proclaiming.

Another effective way that Barabbas Road Church uses sermon videos is by using a video at the beginning and end of a sermon. When a video is used at the beginning of a sermon it helps to introduce the problem in a certain way. It can help you to start thinking about something and can be a little more effective than just a good story. At the end of the sermon a video can help sum up some of the ideas from the message or even some of the connotations from the message. This can then help you think about the points being made in a more specific way, which can help you more effectively apply what you have learned into your life.