Barabbas Road Church in San Diego 2:42 Group Tips

The 2:42 groups at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego are small groups where the members of the groups practice the “one another’s” and focus on discipleship. In this type of group there is weekly accountability, teaching and prayer every single week. The goal is to get peopleinto a 2:42 group so that they can invest into a group and make that group great. There are many different dynamics that contribute to making a 2:42 group great. Barabbas Road Church in San Diego wants to care for you and equip you to help you grow and become more like Christ. The 2:42 groups are an important part of making disciples at Barabbas, so here are some tips to encourage you to get the most out of your 2:42 group and to help you live the Christian life at church.

A 2:42 group is not a one-person show, it is a group event. If you want to get the most out of your group then you should go to the group, be committed and participate in it. There are many things that group members can do beforehand that will help each member of the group participate. For example, one of the easiest things that you can do is attend church and hear the sermon. If you were unable to listen to the sermon then you can watch it online.

Another great resource is the sermon notes that can be found at the church’s website on the Sermon page. The sermon notes are a collection of notes and articles that were used as references for the sermon. If everyone would read these notes before coming to group it would help the group be filled with rich conversation that will help create opportunities for everyone to share how they can apply what they heard. Therefore, it will be important for group members to spend time studying the notes before going to group. Scripture teaches to not just be hearers of the word but to be doers. By going through these notes and studying the scriptures it will be very valuable as you look to grow in Christ and apply what you have learned.

After group, it is also important to follow up with an application notebook. This is a notebook that members can use to write down the application learned from the 2:42 group. By doing this you can go back to the notes each day and pray over what you have learned and focus on applying it. This will help each group member be prepared for the next group meeting as the group leader will check to see how everyone’s follow-up application went.

What really makes a 2:42 group effective is when that group can be real, relevant and authentic. To help do this you can try to be more open with your group and talk about things that you are struggling or wresting with in life. You can be vulnerable at times and ask for help when you need it and also be open to investing into someone else’s life. Imagine a group that is able to encourage and invest in each other’s lives with the love of Christ.