Parent Resource at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego

The parent resource is a tool for parents to review the lesson that their kids are learning on Sundays at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego. Parents are the primary people that are educating their children about Christian truth; therefore, parents are ultimately responsible for the discipleship of their children.

Common challenges that parents have when trying to teach their kids about God’s truths are available time and consistency. Trying to practice and teach God’s truths to kids at home can be difficult because of the busyness of everyday life. This is why the parent resource is such a helpful tool for parents. The parent resource is not a tool to replace a parent’s responsibility to disciple their children; rather it should be used as a catalyst for making discipleship happen in the home. The parent resource helps to make discipleship intentional and practical in the home and ultimately more consistent.

The way that this works is that the parent resource is made available to parents via the church bulletin, Barabbas Road Church Facebook page, Barabbas Road Church Kids page on the church website and the church e-newsletter. Once the parent has this they can go review with their kids what they learned on Sunday at Children’s church. The parent resource contains basic questions that parents can ask their kids during the week that will pull out the main truths of the lesson and hopefully spark interaction between the parents and their children. This will help parents talk about Christian doctrine and the Gospel consistently at home.

The curriculum used for the kids at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego is expanded over three years and goes over the entire bible. The curriculum focuses on actual scripture rather than stories; therefore, the kids are actually learning straight from the Bible and actually going over Christian doctrine.Kids start the program at age three; therefore, if they remain in the whole program until 6th grade they will have gone through the whole Bible three times.

The parent resource is such a great tool because it gives the parent an insight on what is being taught at Children’s church. The parent resource brings the family together as it gives the parents an awareness of what their kids are learning so they can be involved with the discipleship process that is happening at church. The parent resource mirrors the way small groups are run at Barabbas Road Church. It helps to equip and encourage the parents to review and apply what their kids are being taught each Sunday at Barabbas Road Church. Along with basic questions and practical ways to apply God’s truths, the parent resource is a tremendous tool to help any parent pour into their kids and disciple them to the glory of God.