Decision Making and the Will of God – Barabbas Road Church in San Diego

In this “Whiteboard Wednesday” YouTube presentation, Pastor Matt of Barabbas Road Church in San Diego tackles the subject of making personal decisions while adhering to the will of God. Is it possible to have the freedom of choice while obeying the moral will of God?

This topic focuses on three areas: decision making, God’s sovereignty, and our freedom. The only way to achieve true freedom to decide is to let God’s sovereign will preside over your life. Augustine said it this way: “love God and do what you want.” This expression does not mean we have the freedom to break the law or to do evil to others while claiming to love God; rather, it means that if we truly love God, we have the desire to do good things. Romans 8:28 says that all things will work out for those who love God.

A question that poses a dilemmais this: does God have two wills or three wills? God has a perceptive will and a sovereign will. His perceptive will gives us guidelines and boundaries to live by, like the Ten Commandments. His sovereign will, or holy will, can contradict his perceptive will. For example, God’s sovereign will was that Jesus, His only son, would have to die on the cross for the sins of the world to accomplish God’s holy purpose. Yet is there another will that God has, one that He intends for each individual? How does a person know the exact will of God for his or her life and make sure to get it right?

Some people fear that they will decide the wrong thing and that they will stray from the will of God. A person might wonder things like, should I get married to this person now, or someone else later? Should I attend this college in Chicago? Should I try going to this church in San Diego? We do not need to fear our options, but rather we needto seek God’s guidance.

God wants us to seek Him and come to Him in prayer. He has given us the freedom to make our own choices within His sovereign guidance. When we do our best to follow God’s moral will, we have the freedom to make our own decisions. Even when we sin, God can take a bad situation and turn it around for His glory and His purposes, like he did for Joseph in the Old Testament. Trust in God’s holy will, read His Word for guidance in life, and be free to make decisions.

You can watch the whole Whiteboad Wednesday video below.