Children’s Church at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego

Children’s Church is a distinctive of Barabbas Road Church in San Diego because it is one of the most important ministries of the church. Often times,churches can treat Children’s Church as a babysitting service; however, at Barabbas Road Church, the Children’s ministry is treated as a tremendous opportunity to teach kids the Gospel.

The overall philosophy of the Children’s ministry is the same philosophy that the church has, which is to make disciples. One of the goals of Children’s Church is to prepare the kids to join the main church someday. To help do this the Children’s church volunteers, called ministers, emphasize the Bible and emphasize prayer with the kids. The kids are taught from the actual text of the Bible. To help teach the Bible, age appropriate lessons are provided for each age group from a Gospel-centered curriculum. At Children’s Church the kids do have fun, as there are games and other things provided to engage the kids; however, the focus is always on the Gospel.

Children’s Church is a ministry for the family as well. Children’s church is not a place where parents simply drop off their kids and depend upon the church to teach their kids about God. Children’s Church is a ministry that helps to assist parents as they evangelize and eventually displace their kids. For example, when a child is ready to make a profession of faith, a minister from Children’s Church will talk with the parent and child about the Gospel. The minsters will talk with the parent to see if there is any fruit or signs of a commitment at home. This is all taken very seriously, because the goal is for the church to do the best it can to help equip the kids to participate in the main church someday.

The main goal of Children’s church is to make sure it is the safest place in the church. The goal is for the kids to be safe and for parents to worship God in the main church service without any worries or fears about their kids. Barabbas Road Church works very hard to make sure that Children’s Church is as safe as possible. Part of the process of making it safe is making sure the ministers that volunteer there are qualified to serve at Children’s Church. The ministers go through a very thorough process to make sure that the kids are in a safe and Gospel centered environment.

Children’s Church is one of the best ministries to be involved in at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego. In what other ministry do you weekly have the opportunity to teach a group of unbeliever’sabout God? Children’s Church is a huge opportunity to pour into the youngest generation of the church and teach them the Bible. No matter if you are a parent, minister or child there is a lot to be excited about in Children’s Church at Barabbas Road Church in San Diego.